This event is postponed until further notice
Gene Keys Ambassadors, Midi Berry, Marilyn Winfield and Ed King, invite you to join us in the Mount Shasta Gene Keys Hub, USA, for a weekend of personal and collective Gene Keys exploration, embodiment and myth-making.
“Collective myths… contain the alchemical codes of evolution, including its various mutations. The stories always pass through dark periods of transition, ultimately arriving at transcendent states of consciousness.” (Richard Rudd, The Gene Keys)
The 3,000 year old myth of Demeter and Persephone speaks deep cultural truths about the seasons, death and rebirth, and dysfunctional family dynamics! Across the millennia, the myth has mutated slowly yet it still impacts people’s lives and entire societies, often unconsciously and negatively.

In this ‘Name Your Own Price’ experiential event we will:
– Receive personalised Demeter and Persephone charts that match 12 feminine/masculine archetypes with participants’ Gene Keys;
– Revisit the Demeter and Persephone myth, to learn how its archetypes have mutated through history, and can still condition people, families and whole cultures today;
– Work and play with our individual charts, to reveal unrecognised shadow aspects that may be blocking our personal path, family relationships and work lives;
– Engage to transform collective shadows together, as we co-create a new myth for our times, fostering loving kindness to ourselves, our families and society.

As we enter the Aquarian Age of The Water Bearer, we’re all caught up, knowingly or not, in what Richard Rudd has described as “a great mythic test as an entire species.”. Asteroid astrology and Gene Keys together can reveal where many ancient myths and archetypal patterns live on in us through our ancestral lines.
By recognising and bringing them to awareness, we know ourselves better and move beyond the Maya. Together we can become conscious culture co-creators of a world that welcomes and celebrates our future human selves and those of our children.
Proceeds from the event will go to the Gene Keys Society Refugee Project
For More Information send a message with your name and email address here